1.- About cookies

Cookies are information packets stored by the website in the user's web browsers.

Cookies facilitate the use and navigation through the website, and are essential for the performance of Internet, giving many advantages in the use of interactive services.

You can read more about cookies in this link

2.- What are they for?

  • To access fast to your client account.
  • To save your product configuration's preferences.
  • To manage comments on our services and products.
  • To analyze the navigation through our site, detect any problem and improve our service.

3.- Which cookies do we use?

Own cookies:

We use our own cookies, to allow you quick access to your client account, view product preferences and manage your order and delivery address. These cookies belong to Teleadhesivo S.L.

Third parties cookies:

BlueKnow is an external service that allows us to show products related with the user's interests based on the navigation through the site.

The goal is to give the best customer experience showing products visited by other users with similar preferences.

More information at: Blueknow

Google publicity (DoubleClick y Google Adwords):

We use two Google advertisement services. These services are used with the following 2 main goals:

  • Identifying the visits and sales that come from a sponsored ad.
  • Analyzing user's navigation to offer products of his/her interest in other websites different from Muraldecal that have advertisement spaces managed by Google's advertising network (retargeting)

More information at: and


This is a widget that allows analyzing the impact of a page or product is having on social networks. For instance: number of Facebook comments, number of likes, etc.

More information at:

Google +:

In order to know the social repercussion a page or product is having, we use a widget that obtain information from Google+.

More information at:


eKomi is a tool that offers an independent and transparent comment management. eKomi collects opinions about our products and services.

This cookies has been developed by eKomi Ltd. More information at:

Google Analytics:

We use Google analytics to obtain information about navigation, as well as to measure and analyze audience.

Esta aplicación ha sido desarrollada por Google Inc, que nos presta el servicio de medición y análisis de la audiencia de nuestras páginas. Ella misma puede utilizar estos datos para mejorar su propio servicio y para ofrecer servicios a otras empresas. Puedes conocer esos otros usos desde el enlace indicado.

Google Inc., who allows us to measure and analyze the audience to our site, has developed this application. Google may use that data to improve its own service and to offer its services to other companies. You can read more about these in the link below. This tool does NOT obtain personal information such as, your name, last name, address or postal code. The information obtained is related to the number of visited pages, language, social networks where the post or pages were published, the city to which the IP address of an user is assigned, the number of new users, the frequency and recurrence of the user's visits, duration of the visit, browsers, operators and devices used to navigate

This information is used to improve our pages, to detect new needs and to identify improvements in order to provide a better service (such as adapting our design to new devices).

More information at:

Lucky Orange:

In order to improve the user experience of our site, we use Lucky Orange as analytical system.

This software can record mouse clicks, mouse movements and scrolls, as well as store information introduced in the website by the user.

Lucky Orange does not store any data outside the site You can switch off the record function of Lucky Orange following this link:

More information at

4.- How to manage cookies?

You can allow, block out or remove the cookies installed in you computer using the configuration options of the browser installed in your computer:

  • Chrome
  • Explorer
  • Firefox
  • Safari

The user accepts explicitly, by using this site, the process of the information collected in the ways and with the goals expressed above. The user agrees that he/she knows the way to reject such a data/information processing by rejecting the use of cookies using the browser configuration. Nevertheless, rejecting the use of cookies may prevent the user from using the website with the full set of functionalities

If you have any doubt about this cookies policy, you can contact with

uf der Grundlage des zwischen dem Benutzer und Banner Imagen S.L. ( abgeschlossenen Kaufvertrags werden die vom Benutzer über dieses Formular zur Verfügung gestellten Daten in Datenbanken aufgenommen, für die Banner Imagen S.L. mit der Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer ESB22348015 und dem Firmensitz in Polígono Monzú, Ronda Industria, C/Interior Nave 13, 22006 HUESCA (Spanien) vollständig und ausschließlich verantwortlich ist. Der Zweck der Datenerhebung auf diesem Formular ist es, die Bestellabwicklung, die Profilerstellung der Benutzer und den Versand von kommerziellen Angeboten per E-Mail (2 bis 3 monatliche Sendungen) über Produkte und/oder Dienstleistungen zu erleichtern, die für unsere Kunden von Interesse sein könnten. Banner Imagen S.L. verpflichtet sich, keine Datenübertragungen oder internationalen Übertragungen durchzuführen, es sei denn, dies ist gesetzlich vorgeschrieben. Sie haben das Recht auf Zugang, Berichtigung und Löschung sowie weitere Rechte, wie in der Datenschutzrichtlinie angegeben, per E-Mail an